//--> Animal Pets

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Pets during a storm

Taking care of your pet during a storm

Our pets bring joy in our lives in more ways than we can ever think or count. Your pet depends on you for their safety and well-being. So how can we prepared to protect our pet when disaster strikes?

During the season of hurricanes and tornados, we have seen the disaster that Katrina, Andrew, Hugo and others have brought to our country. What do we do if we have to evacuate?

Do you have an evacuation plan that includes your pets? Everone needs to be aware that disaster can strike anywhere and they need an evacuation plan. You always think about protecting your family, but what about the family pet.
What do we do for our pet:

Make sure all identifications are put in a safe file with all records for your pets. Keep all these with your other records in one spot,to be quickly retrieved before you evacuate. Use a collar with an identification tag with name and number to call if your pet gets separated from you.

In our modern world today we have started Microchiping our pets—this is a permanent I.D. it is the best investment to help identify your pet. You will need to keep a good color photograph of your pet, this may show some distinguish markings, this will help also to identify your pet as you being the owner.

We know at some point disaster will hit. When you hear the warnings that a storm is coming bring your pet inside and keep him or her under your control on a leash or in an animal carrier. Storms could hit suddenly, always have your identification tag on you pet. Your pet's best protection is to be with you. So please get a special plan in place.

My Special plan:

You will want to locate a safe place for him or her before the storm gets to us. You will need to know that usually evacuation shelters will not accept animals for health reasons as well as for people's safety. You may find a hotel or motel that will accept your pet, you can call kennels.

I do not know if animal shelters will provide temporary care during a disaster, but you could call, but please make this your last resort.

What Items will you need incase of evacuation or disaster:

Portable carrier (for small animals, such as dogs, cats)
Food/water bowls.
Pet's food and water(put in plastic jugs) don't depend on a kennel to provide this. you need to bring it)
Litter and a litter box for cats.
If your pet is on medication bring it.
Health records, including vaccination records.
Pet’s feeding schedule - if he or she is on a special diets.

If you are not able to take your pet with you, you are placing your pet at a greater risk for injury, loss, or even death. There are things you can do. You can place your pet in a secure room without windows, leave enough food and water in large containers so he will have something to eat or drink. Leave their favorite toy and their bedding.

Whatever you do, do not put your dog or cat in a cage or put a dog and cat in the same room. Remember never leave a dog outside during a storm. You should always have their identification tags on them. If your pet is a bird keep them safe in a cage.

When you leave you may want to leave a note on the door advising what animals are inside and a number where you could be reached as well as your vet.


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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Animal Pets: Dog Training

Animal Pets: Dog Training

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Cat Alergies

Cat Allergies

Owning a cat is a big responsibility. Did you know the maximum life of a cat is said to be estimated at about 25 to 30 years and sometimes the cat only lives around 14 years. You, as a new cat owner are responsible for the cats health, its food, behavior, and interaction with other animals and people. Many people have questions regarding allergies and cats. I hope this information will help.

People who are sensitive to animals are the ones who will most often get allergies. Cats can actually cause allergic reactions, but most any animal with fur or feathers could also cause symptoms such as red, itchy, watery eyes; nasal congestion; itchy nose; sneezing; difficulty in breathing; a chronic sore throat or a scratchy throat; coughing, weezing, or itchy skin. I may repeat myself a few times but it is important.


The determining factors as to whether a person will develop allergies or not seem to be both genetic and environmental. If you have close relatives that suffer from allergies of any kind, the likelihood is greater that you come from an "atopic" family. This means that you may inherited the potential to produce higher than normal levels of IgE in response to contact with an allergen.
The only way for you to become allergic to a specific substance is to be exposed to it. It is often thought that the first few months of life may be particularly important in this respect, as well as where you grow up. An example sometimes cited is that people born in the United States are more likely to be allergic to peanuts, because peanut butter is a very common food in this country, while people born in Sweden are more likely to be allergic to salmon, which is eaten in large quantities in that country. There is also evidence that genetically susceptible people born in the pollen season are more likely to suffer from hay fever. It is especially important for babies from "atopic" families to be breast-fed, as breast milk protects against the development of allergys.
There is a known difference in the scientific community between an allergy source and an irritation source. No one knows the full story as to why each develops and the various forms that they take, we just deal with it.

I have Allergies
(because of my cat or pet)

This article is intended to help pet owners get information about allergies, the possible causes, and try to find a solution for the people who love cats but suffer from allergies. So let's begin.

Allergies to animals can take 2 years or more to develop and may not subside until 6 months or more after ending contact with the animal. Carpet and furniture are a supply for pet allergens, and the allergens can remain in them for 4 to 6 weeks. In addition, these allergens can stay in household air for months after the animal has been removed. Therefore, it is wise for people with an animal allergy to check with the landlord or previous owner to find out if furry pets had lived previously on the premises.

How will I know if I will become allergic to my pet?

Being sensitive to animals is one of the most frequently seen allergies. Cats actually cause the most allergic reactions, but any animal with fur or feathers could also become a trigger for such symptoms as red, itchy, watery eyes; nasal congestion; itchy nose; sneezing; difficulty breathing; chronic sore throat and/or scratchy throat; coughing, wheezing, or itchy skin. People with cat allergies find relief in asthma drugs. Cat owners who have the misfortune to be allergic to cats can find welcome relief and protection from there symptoms by using asthma drugs.
It is known today that the domestic cat 1 substance, or the (Fel d 1) for short produced in the sebaceous glands of the cat's skin and in cat saliva, is believed to be the major allergen that most people who are allergic to domestic cats are actually reacting to. The dander (old skin cells) which animals shed constantly into the environment, are tiny micron-like particles that cling to furniture, draperies and wall coverings, and can cause problems for allergic people. The Fel d 1 airborne particles are the same size as bronchial medication droplets designed to penetrate into bronchial membranes...so, no wonder cat allergies can lead to asthma!! And, Fel d 1 (short for "Felis domesticus, i.e., the domestic house cat), which comes from the fatty secretions called sebum, can live for months or even years even after the cat is removed from the environment. Interestingly, female cats shed substantially less amounts of allergen than males, and a neutered male sheds significantly less than a full male tom. Other recent studies have shown that, regardless of the breed or sex of the cat, far more people have allergic reactions to darkly colored and pigmented cats versus lighter colored cats with less pigment.

Pet Allergies

Allergies are shown to be the most widespread chronic health condition in the world today. It has been shown, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, that one out of every four people is a chronic allergy sufferer. The dictionary defines allergy as a hypersensitivity, or an abnormal reaction to a substance that is harmless to most people. Allergies is a serious health problem which continues to grow rapidly in our world. The substances that cause allergies are called allergens or antigens . In fact the immune system is always involved in trying to defend us from ordinarily harmless substances which differentiates an allergic reaction from any other type of reaction.

The basis behind each of the allergic illnesses is almost identical. Allergies may be taken into the body in four different ways: 1) through the nose, throat, and lungs (such as in airborne substances we inhale); 2) through the mouth and digestive system (such as in the food, liquids or drugs that we ingest); 3) through the substances and chemicals that come in contact with our skin (such as plants, cosmetics, cleaning detergents, etc.); and 4) through the tissues under the skin (such as injected vaccines, medicines, animal bites or insect stings).

How do I live with Allergies

Having pets is good for you. They have done many studies and have proven that pet owners tend to live longer than non pet owners, because caring for a pet eases the stress of daily living. There have been some dramatic advances by scientists and researchers in the understanding and management of airborne animal allergens. It is important to remember that allergies are increasing ; that is, they build up. People also can have varying degrees of sensitivities to different allergens. Dust, mold, mildew, pollens, paint, perfumes, cosmetics, and many, many other substances can cause allergic reactions. Whether or not a person has symptoms, depends upon how many of these allergens are in his enviroment at a particular time. Remember that this is a constantly changing factor, depending upon a wide variety of conditions that occur in the home environment.

It makes sense, to reduce your exposure to other allergens that trigger attacks, for people allergic to their pets. Every allergic person has a tolerance level that is unique to them, and above which an acute allergic reaction takes place. As long as your total exposure is below your allergy threshold, you will not have a reaction. Sometimes, just by having a female or a neutered male cat will be enough to keep your allergen exposure below your threshold level. Many people that are highly allergic to cats have, over time, become "immune" to allergic symptoms from their own cat; however, they most often will still have allergic reactions of varying intensity to other cats.

What Can I do to help reduce exposure

There are a few things you can do around your house to lower your exposure. Since the allergens from cats are airborne and get into everything in the house, you can do several things to help reduce the number of cat-allergen reservoirs. Reduce the amount of carpet in your home, especially in the bedrooms and sitting rooms...learn to love hard wood floors!! Cover your mattresses and pillows with air-tight encasings, and reduce the number of upholstered furnishings, especially in the bedrooms. Have someone else do your vacuuming, or use vacuums with the built-in high efficiency (HEPA) filters. You can use an indoor air purification unit (those which use ozone as well as ionization), which greatly reduce the number of allergens in the air of your home, as well as virtually eliminating pet odors, cooking odors, and other unpleasant, lingering odors in a home.

What about allergy medications?

There are many new medications (without unpleasant side effects) such as nasal steroid sprays, which reduce allergic inflammation in the nasal area and help reduce the bronchial inflammation that leads to coughing, wheezing and chest tightness. Plus, there are now several different "over the counter" products for applying directly to the cat, which are supposed to help reduce their dander and keep them from shedding their allergens. I guess to elimate the majority of allergies you could trade you furry cat in for a hairless one.

Cat Allergies

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Dog Training

Dog training

The best way to build a mutual friendship with your pet is through obedience training. It's a way to communicate with each other. When training your pet, show patience and respect while he learns the "house rules" as well as those of their environment. And the greatest reward of obedience training is freedom to enjoy the good things in life whenever and wherever together.

When training a dog, he or she will learn best if they are rewarded immediately for their actions. You need to give them the personal attention in the learning process, this is very important. If the dog isn't paying attention to you, the training will not be successful. A tired or anxious dog will have more difficulty concentrating. Distractions also can interfere with them learning. Give him or her an enticing reward as this can help bring back their focus to the task at hand.
Beyond basic training, some dogs can learn to perform more elaborate tricks, like standing on their hind legs to beg. This level of trainability rises to an even higher plane with some performing dogs. You may have seen a lot of this on tv. Your pet can learn to carry out almost human like tasks on cue from a trainer. These dogs are often chosen from the herding group, which includes breeds such as collies and shepherds which are among the most trainable of domestic dogs.

Benefits of Training
Bond and build a lifelong friendship with your pet
Freedom for you and your pet
You will learn how to train and handle your dog.

The style of training used most is operate conditioning with a lot of motivation. You can use a 5' leather lead, training collar, a lot of heart and soul. Rarely use treats except for parlor tricks and imprinting on young pups. Your praise and play is what you should use as a reward. This style of training, will be the most effective in real life, day to day situations with your pet.

It takes a professional trainer 5 full days to teach what the average owner would attempt to teach in 6 weeks and usually not accomplish. There are many reasons for this: the most obvious a professional trainer knows alot of little tricks. A pro is more consistent in all aspects of training. Your pet can progress very quickly as a professional trainer knows when the pet understands commands. They will know if the pet and owner really practiced last week and if the pet understand the commands. You can use a professional but you will need to be there also to have the hands on approach. Click Here!

If you decide to use a professional service or an animal resort, the training your pet will receive will consist of being on a lead without pulling, jumping, mouhthing or barking. They will teach him how to heel, and all of the following commands: HEEL, AUTO-SIT/SIT, STAY (or the action of stay), OFF, NO, DOWN, SIT from DOWN and DOWN from SIDE-FRONT and in MOTION, and COME. Verbal and hand signals are taught also.

There are mini-camps where your pet will stay with them for 5 full days. A regular camp can cost $1000 and your pet will stay for 2 weeks. You also have the option of a Boot camp where your dog will stay for 21 days and he will have 16 days of training. Electronic Collar camps can cost $1800, your pet will stay for 28 days and have 20 days of training. You will also find some trainers that give private lessons for around $75. The least expensive are the workout programs which are around $30. These are best for previously trained dogs. It will be up to you to decide which training technique you think is best for you and your pet. Check and see if you can find a traning facility or even an animal resort which will have both indoor and outdoor training areas.

To be successful with any program, you the OWNER must be patient and follow the trainers instruction, practice daily with your pet, and incorporate training into all aspects of daily life. Remember Rover, Lassie, or Fido or whatever your pets name is, he or she is part of the family.

Dog Training

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Animal Pets

Animal pets; every family needs a pet for companionship. The companionship of animal pets will add considerably to the enjoyment of life. Animal pets whether, dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, etc can add to the quality of your life and give you someone to talk to. We are able to share our lives with our non-human companions. Any pet gives 100% of themselves, and they never ask anything in return. Animal pets, no matter which kind , dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, etc. can change ones life.

Many studies have been done on animals especially dogs and now minature horses show that they can relieve stress and help in loneliness, fear and anxiety. I Know recently they have started using miniature horses to help the handicapp. Many people volunteer to take their pets to visit hospitals and health care settings where a gentle touch or a wagging of the tail has been very therapuetic for someone who is depressed or lonely and in need of companionship. You and your children can learn the value of your animal pets with people who are going thru a hardship in their lives. You can ask your veterinian to suggest a local program that you may visit, whether you get involved in a visiting pet program or not, this experience will reinforce your relationship with your animal pet It's a good idea to have your animal pet trained and certified. You can get professional trainers or I have come across a good book on training them yourself target=_top>Click Here!

The Delta Society - a non profit orgnaization since 1977, researched and promoted how animals have a positive effect on the human health. You really do see remarkable benefits.

Your animal pet is part of your family and you need to rembember they can become ill or injured. Will you know what to do in that case? Here are a few tips for animal pet care that may be helpful.

Animal Pet tips:

1_ Approach a sick or injured animal very cautiously.

2_ Watch his body actions and sounds that he makes to warn you, any pet, when scared will react. You should never make jerky movements or loud noises as this might scare your pet, they could harm themselves or you.

3_ Keep the phone number and address of your veterinarian in a convenient place. You will also need to have the phone number for an after-hour veterinary clinic in case of and emegergency, always call ahead to let them know what's wrong (if possible) and you will be coming in.

I hope this will be of some help and encourage you to get involved with a visiting progarm thru your veterinian.

Animal Pets